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Posted by
Anthony Morgan Lambert (Bielefeld, Germany) on 3 September 2009 in Lifestyle & Culture and Portfolio.

One of the many small streets and alleys in this medievial walled town of Tenby.

FUJIFILM FinePix S8000fd 1/500 second F/4.5 ISO 64 8 mm

Marion from Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Love the hanging baskets on what looks like a lovely little bistro tucked into the alley. Just a little peek of the water. Great shot Anthony.

3 Sep 2009 5:16am

@Marion: A typical "Tenby" scene,it´s one of my most favourite places because of alleys and side streets like this(and the beaches of course)

Alun from cheshire, United Kingdom

Ah, a clasic shot, very nicely done

3 Sep 2009 5:39am

@Alun: Finally a digital version of a shot I took about 15 years ago.The film version was better,I had a wider angle lens on my old Praktica !!

Linerberry from Sumner, Christchurch, New Zealand

Oh I do love these little alleyways! Fantastic shot...great composition!!!

3 Sep 2009 6:41am

@Linerberry: Have you ever been to Tenby ?? If not get down there on your next trip to the UK.

jamesy from christchurch, New Zealand

fantastic love that little peep of the sea at the back Great shot full of things to look at

3 Sep 2009 7:31am

@jamesy: Like so many streets in Tenby !!

San G. from Encino, California, United States

A tight little path I'd like to be walking. Feels like a vacation. Feels like open air and fresh breeze. The blue is part of it. The vertical nature lifts my spirits.

3 Sep 2009 7:36am

@San G.: I´m so glad that this shot makes you feel that way,thanks for the great comment.

Sarito from Basingstoke, United Kingdom

Lovely little alley way leading to the sea, great shot!

3 Sep 2009 7:36am

@Sarito: Thank you mate !!

Christel from Köln, Germany

Guten Morgen Anthony,
eine sehr schöne Aufnahme. Ich mag solche schmalen Gassen. Mir gefällt die blaue Farbe an den Häusern, die Blumen und der kleine Blick zwischen den Häusern zum Meer. Alles sieht sehr gemütlich, romantisch und sauber aus. Liebe Grüße Christel

3 Sep 2009 8:16am

@Christel: Most of the town stands inside the old medieval walls and many of the streets are similar to this.Maybe you could visit some day.

Querques from Palleja, Spain

Nicely done. It's cool and fresh, it smells sumer!!!.

3 Sep 2009 9:00am

@Querques: The sun shone most of the 3 weeks we were there :-)

MrsAmber from West Wickham, United Kingdom

Beautiful colours and lines in this shot. Lovely feel to this picture.

3 Sep 2009 9:34am

@MrsAmber: It´s a re-do of a shot I took on film abot 15 years ago,I´ve yet to compare the 2 sise by side to see what has changed.

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

very nicely framed

3 Sep 2009 10:01am

Lorraine from Gatineau, Canada

This has to be my favourite today, 5's gorgeous, I'd love to be there with tons of money and my camera, heaven has a name, and it's called Alleyway ;)

3 Sep 2009 11:12am

@Lorraine: Brilliant comment Lorraine,thanks a million !!

Calusarus from St Sorlin en Valloire, France

I like this narrow street

3 Sep 2009 4:56pm

john4jack from Corvallis, Oregon, United States


3 Sep 2009 5:18pm

Jeff from Pembroke Dock, Wales., United Kingdom

I dont think that alleyway has changed much since my Mam used to take me to Tenby when I was a little lad...And thats a long time ago.

3 Sep 2009 5:57pm

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

Nicely captured Ant!
I remember the time when Praktica was the camera...we had them in school. What happened to them?

3 Sep 2009 7:21pm

@Ted: I owned 2 Praktica cameras back then,first I had a MTL 3 and then later a BX20.
Praktica are still going strong Ted,they stopped making SLR´s in 2001 and now have a large range of digital compacts.

jeff (aka dogilicious) from Millerstown, PA, United States

Looks like a great little shopping district.

4 Sep 2009 12:12am

Lee from Fort Frances Ontario, Canada

Medievial meets modern. So crisp and clear. The colours are bright and bold. Your exposure is spot on. Congrats on this capture.

4 Sep 2009 2:01am

@Lee: Cheers for the positive comments !!

Andrew Gould from Sydney, Australia

The point of view makes this a really interesting one. Great shot.

6 Sep 2009 12:27am

Lesley from Lincoln, United States

Oooh! I see a bookstore down at the end! :)

9 Sep 2009 5:07pm

@Lesley: Well spotted,are you a reader,I´m a fanatical book fan myself and go nowhere without a book in hand !!

Lesley from Lincoln, United States

Am I a reader? YES! I have a book review blog and work for Barnes & Noble. I'm obsessed with reading. :)

11 Sep 2009 11:14am

@Lesley: Great blog Lesley and I even found some info on an extended version of Steve Kings "The Stand" which I will definately have to get.
I´m so glad that I have passed my love of books and reading on to my 2 children.My son who´s 19 and my Daughter,14 both (even in this computer game day and age) read a lot and treasure their books.

FUJIFILM FinePix S8000fd
1/500 second
ISO 64
8 mm